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Renewable Energy


We develop new low cost sustainable and novel materials for artificial photosynthesis to generate pure hydrogen via sunlight driven water splitting, high efficiency Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, High Capacity Lithium Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors.  

With our newly designed Lanthanides based prevoskite nanocomposites,  we could produce pure hydrogen, ready for commercial applications. Subzero temperature enhanced dimensionally controlled Titania photoanodes has been developed with remarkable remarkable photon scattering and photoconversion efficiency in DSSC. 

High capicity temperature tolerant lithium ion batteries has been challenges in commercial applications. In our Laboratory, we are able to develop rare-earth based spinal cathodes which gave high recyclibility at high temperature.  

Representative Publication:

  1. Ram,P., Patel, H., Singhal,R., Choudhary,G. and Sharma,R.K., (2019), “On the study of mixing and drying on electrochemical performance of spinel LiMn2O4 cathodes, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,( The American Institute of Physics),Vol. 11(1), pp 014104/1-014104/7

  2. Nunes-Pereiraa,J.#, Sharma,P.#, Fernandes,L.C., Oliveira,J., Moreira,J.A., Sharma,R.K., and Lanceros-Mendez,S., (2018), “Poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites with carbon nanotubes decorated with metal nanoparticles,” Composites, Part B: Engineering, (Elsevier), Vol.142, pp 1-8,

  3. Janu,V.C., Bahuguna,G., Laishram,D., Shejale,K.P., Kumar,N., Sharma,R.K., and Gupta,R., (2018), “Surface Fluorination of α-Fe2O3 using Selectfluor for Enhancement in Photoelectrochemical Properties,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, (Wiley), Vol.174, pp 240-247

  4. Ram,P., Singhal,R., Choudhary,G., and Sharma,R.K., (2017), “On the key role of Dy3 + in spinel LiMn2O4 cathodes for Li-ion rechargeable batteries, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, ( Elsevier), Vol. 802, pp 91-99

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