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The team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur has successfully developed an iron-based catalyst (Fe/Silica-Alumina) that is abundantly available. This catalyst has been used in the production of bio-jet fuel, utilizing non-edible oils and waste biomass. Their breakthrough solves a long-standing industry challenge, making the manufacturing process of bio-jet fuel economically viable. The development of this catalyst offers the potential for cheaper and cleaner fuels, leading to transformative changes in the energy sector. The project was led by Dr. Rakesh K Sharma, a professor in the Department of Chemistry at IIT Jodhpur, along with his PhD scholar, Mr. Bhagirath Saini. Their research has revolutionized the production of bio-jet fuel from plant-based biomass.

ABP Live 07 July, 2023

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The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur’s researchers have created a new method of producing bio-jet-fuel from plant-based biomass. This innovation can provide the aviation industry with more affordable and environmentally friendly fuel which could have a significant impact on the energy sector. The team has created a cost-effective solution to a longstanding issue in the aviation industry. They developed an iron-based catalyst (Fe/silica-alumina) that is easily accessible and use it with non-edible oil and waste biomass to produce bio-jet fuel. This breakthrough has made the manufacturing process profitable.

Times of India, 07 July, 2023

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जोधपुर IIT ने वेस्ट लकड़ी से बनाया ऐसा मटीरियल, जिससे बढ़ेगी उर्वरकता; सब्जी-फलों में विटामिन-मिनरल्स लाएगा

आईआईटी जोधपुर के एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर डॉ. राकेश शर्मा ने वेस्ट लकड़ी ऐसा मटीरियल तैयार किया है, जिससे राजस्थान की मिट्‌टी की उर्वरकता बढ़ाई जा सकेगी। इसके उपयोग से पैदावार होने वाली अनाज व सब्जियों में विटामिन व मिनरल्स भी पर्याप्त मात्रा में होंगे। डॉ. शर्मा ने मिट्‌टी से जुड़ी करीब दो दर्जन रिसर्च की है। इसमें करीब 12 रिसर्च का पेटेंट करवाया जा चुका है। डॉ. शर्मा की रिसर्च अमेरिकन केमिकल सोसायटी के एग्रीकल्चर साइंस एंड टेक्नोलॉजी व अमेरिकन केमिकल सोसायटी ओमेगा में भी प्रकाशित हो चुकी है।

डॉ. शर्मा का कहना है कि पश्चिमी राजस्थान में तेज गर्मी पड़ती है। तेज धूप से यहां की मिट्‌टी में पानी ज्यादा नहीं टिकता। पानी की किल्लत से फसल भी काफी बार नष्ट हो जाती है। इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए रिसर्च को किया है। इस प्रोडक्ट को मिट्‌टी के साथ मिक्स कर उपयोग पर ना केवल मिट्‌टी की उर्वरक शक्ति बढ़ेगी।

Dainik Bhaskar 24 Dec, 2022


IIT Jodhpur researchers develop catalytic materials to produce high-purity hydrogen

The researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur have developed Lanthanides based perovskite nanocomposite catalytic materials for artificial photosynthesis to produce high purity hydrogen. In the patented method, the researchers used natural sunlight to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen using a highly recyclable catalyst based on low-cost, simple transition metal. The team has now developed a series of catalysts which can efficiently produce hydrogen under ambient conditions. The end application of this research lies in the industries, automobile and energy sectors.

The Times of India, 22 Nov, 2022


IIT Jodhpur: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma got teaching excellence award 2022

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma got a teaching excellence award based on students' feedback and comments in various courses over the years. According to Dr. Sharma, teaching is beyond the classroom and subject. It's a holistic approach to refine, define, and design student's life. He dedicated his award to all his students and teachers.

IIT Jodhpur Monday, 5 September, 2022

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Research Breakthrough: Jodhpur IIT scientists find ‘lithium free’ battery option

The statesman, Sunday, 7 August, 2022

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Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma elected as a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London

Dr. Sharma has received this recognition for his extensive contributions in catalysis energy and environmental science. He has developed innovative technological advancements with Rajasthan clay for Bio-Fuels and soil remediation. In addition, he has made significant contributions in the area of solar hydrogen technology, solar cells, heavy metal removal and stealth technology.

IIT Jodhpur, April 2021

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IIT Jodhpur develops low-cost, low-emission catalytic convertor using Rajasthani clay

IndiaToday, Nov 26, 2019; 10.00 AM

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IIT Jodhpur team develops low-cost, low-emission catalytic convertor using Rajasthani clay

HindustanTimes, Nov 26, 2019; 10.00 AM


IIT Jodhpur develops low-cost, low-emission catalytic convertor using Rajasthani clay

Outlook, Nov 25, 2019, 10:00 PM

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IIT Jodhpur students develop method to reduce vehicular pollution using Rajasthani clay

The IndianExpress, Nov 25, 2019, 7:00 PM


The Times of India, Mar 3, 2020, 15:11 AM

Business Insider India, Nov 11, 2018 6:00:02 AM


 Outlookindia 03 MARCH 2020  Last Updated at 6:30 PM

Thebetterindia, Nov 9, 2018, 3:15 PM


The Times of India, Nov 25, 2019, 10:00 AM

Business Insider India, Nov 11, 2018 6:00:02 AM

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The logical Indian, Nov 21, 2018, 5:52 PM

Thebetterindia, Nov 9, 2018, 3:15 PM

IIT Jodhpur develops low-cost future fue

BussinessInsider India, Nov 11, 2018, 6:00:02 AM

Indiatimes, Trending, Nov 10, 2018, 15:53 PM IST

IIT Jodhpur develops technology for treating water by using Rajasthani clay, sunlight

India Today, July 19, 2018 16:03 IST


Desh ki mitti: How IIT Jodhpur is treating contaminated water by using Rajasthan clay

DNA, Jul 19, 2018, 06:36 PM IST


IIT Jodhpur develops a cost-effective Rajasthani clay based water purification technology

Opindia, Jul 13, 2018


IIT scientists develop catalyst to make biofuel using Rajasthani sand

Hindustan Times, Jul 11, 2017 20:40 IST


Natural Clay Catalyst for Fuel and Value Added Products

PAN-IIT DBT Success Story, 2017

IIT researchers develop algae biodiesel production catalyst using Rajasthan sand

BioFuel Digest, July 11, 2017


IIT scientists develop catalyst to make biofuel using Rajasthani sand

Hindustan Times,  Jul 11, 2017

IIT -Jodhpur researchers produce Squalene using Rajasthani sand
The Hindu, 04 Jul 2016

IIT Jodhpur Researchers Produce Squalene Using Rajasthani Sand

NEWS 18,  July 3, 2016 

IIT-J discovers multiple uses for local sand

The Time of India, Jul 12, 2016

November 21, 2018

"We feel proud of our country saying we have achieved a lot, but at present millions of people in India have no access to clean drinking water. IIT-Jodhpur made a significant innovation for the well being of the people. The Logical Indian wholeheartedly applauds the IIT Jodhpur team and hopes that young Indian researchers and scholars will continue with their researches which can help in the benefit of the nation. "

-The Logical Indian

November 10, 2018

"The fuel has the potential to achieve India’s dream of reducing volume of its oil imports by 30 percent and also reduce global warming, the team led by Professor Rakesh Kumar Sharma told TOI"


September 17, 2018

The ideal way suggested by Sharma is removing the fluoride through the earthen pots in households. “The filters could be made by traditional potters and can be used as traditional “Matkas” where filtered water will be drinkable. This is most inclusive way to reach out the formula to the needy people,” 

-The Times of India

July 11, 2017

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